DesignMerge is an add-on component for InDesign, which allows users to create
customized 1:1 marketing documents by linking a InDesign document to a database file.
Each letter/printed piece can be "personalized", changing items such as name, address,
graphics, and pull in different layouts depending of equations set up with-in the program.
The above piece was directed towards members of West Virginia Family Health that had gaps in their preventative schedules or were flagged for being high risk for medicine management or diabetes. I programmed the DesignMerge software to count how many goals missed and goals reached a person had then load in a page with that many spots with-in a check list. Those spots were then filled with the various information that the client needed. For example a member may have 3 children, 2 of which need a flu shot, so the equation that I had written would pull in the goal missed flag and list the 2 children that have not gotten their flu shots.
Women's Wexford
The Women's Wexford piece was designed to convey the quality
of AHN's Women health services to potential patients with-in a
certain radius of the Wexford Health+Wellness pavilion.
I was in charge of building the print specs based on the quality
that the team was aiming for. I also set the file for print with
the separations for the overall Soft touch and the spot gloss aqueous.
Hair Brushes in Photoshop
These may look very peculiar but they are very useful Photoshop brushes
that I created in order to allow everyone on my team to quickly and efficiently remove
backgrounds from photos while still maintaining the detail along the side of the hair.
Production Topics
The monthly Production Topic training was one of the most beneficial and fulfilling projects that directly impacted our internal Creative Services Department. Each month a member or small team of members from the production team would put together a training to benefit the rest of the creative group. These included everything from new Creative Cloud updates, file management, process, and interactive PDFs to illustration, photo manipulation, and techniques in various programs.
As an addition to the Production Topics I teamed up with another coworker to put out a Knowledge Nugget each week. these were much smaller bits of knowledge that could help with day to day responsibilities or that could generate new ideas based on program quirks or other random facts. Some examples of these were: Speeding up InDesign - file optimization, The 6 Hats - how to approach a problem from different perspectives, The History of Pantone, Outlook tips and tricks, and Keyboard Shortcuts.
The last thing that we added to our various training tools was a fun game of jeopardy, which contained questions from the production topics and the knowledge nuggets. This was used as a check-in to see how much everyone was learning, this also opened the avenue for future topics based on gaps or areas that may need more explanation.
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